Someone please remind me if I ever win the lottery and feel the need to hire a secretary not to hire Kathy Henry. She's the woman who just cost Pepsico $1.26 BILLION (yes, I said BILLION) dollars because she was so busy getting ready for a board meeting she just set the legal document aside and forgot about it!
Hey Kathy! Didn't you stop to think that was something the folks at the board meeting would have wanted and needed to know about?
I bet she's "busy" having a stroke about now...
Of course if I ever hit the lottery I hope I'm a lot luckier than Willis Willis of Grand Prairie Texas who was duped by the clerk that STOLE his winning $1 Million lottery ticket...
Note to Pankaj Joshi just remember they actually execute criminals in Texas. If you haven't fled the country you'd better give that money back tout suite.
Here's hoping Mr. Willis is able to get his winnings, he seems like a genuinely nice man who deserves a break.
If I ever won that elusive lottery I'd have to remember NOT to hire Timothy Cheney of Gig Harbor WA or Richard Cole of Salem OR to fly me anywhere. They'd lose track of where we were and overshoot our destination just like they did when they overshot their Minneapolis destination by 150 miles...
They were out of communications with air traffic controllers for over 90 minutes and violated numerous federal safety regulations all while claiming they were on their personal "laptops"...yeah, but why do I get that hinky feeling it was not the computerized kind?
Apparently the FAA thought it was a bogus excuse as well and fired them both.
Similar letters were sent to each man informing them of the decision to fire them that read in part,
"You engaged in conduct that put your passengers and your crew in serious jeopardy, while you were on a frolic of your own. ... This is a total dereliction and disregard for your duties."
I swear there's a hint in there about what was really going on for those 90 minutes
and it didn't have anything to do with any computers either...
I would have to say though, that I would gladly hire Adam Lambert to sing for any charity organization to raise awareness and money for the cause.
Adam caused quite a stir recently with his newly released album...not for the musical content, but for the cover.

Personally I love it!!!
For those who are posting hateful comments in other places, please, get a grip! This is America and it's almost 2010...not 1910. Geesh!
If you want to blame someone about it complain to the Marketing Directors at his record label. Adam didn't get to chose the cover although it's fantastic in this bloggers opinion.
It's supposed to be Retro looking folks! I don't know about anyone else but memories of Ziggy Stardust spring to mind when I look at this. I'm just thankful it's not Olivia Newton John...who's music hit the lowest "Blech!" mark on my scale.
I loved David Bowie's music and I have a hunch I'll love Adam Lambert's as well.
The controversy isn't about his music, or his talent though, it's from all the homophobes out there who despise those who are different and those they can't control.
I almost want to feel sorry for all those little girls who were creaming their jeans thinking about getting together with Adam.
Sorry girls, he's openly and unashamedly gay and he has every right to be.
I, for one, applaud him for his talent and his courage to be exactly who and what he is, even if he does make a lot of females jealous of his beauty.
Keep true to yourself Adam and keep reinventing yourself and you'll go far...
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