Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Murders at Ft Hood

By now everyone in this country as well as the rest of the world knows about this radical militant muslim that assassinated 14 (the unborn baby counts too!) innocent people last week. As far as I'm concerned he is no different than a foreign terrorist sniper and should be dealt with like one. No coddling, no attorney, & no BS excuses! In the old days he would have been taken and strung up right away. No trial, no delays.

Someone I really admire said the following; "Our country is so concerned with political correctness, that we have squashed our own freedom of speech."

How can I disagree with that?

Only in America could someone who is born and raised here say they are muslim first and American second and carry out the pre-meditated assassination of so many all while KNOWING they might get away with it and be hailed as a hero by others who are just as evil as he is. Only in this country could someone MURDER 14 innocent people and then get an attorney to try and get away with it. By the way, this guy is a PSYCHIATRIST so he knows EVERY mind game in the book...and how to play the "I didn't know what I was doing because I'm sick" game.

I am beyond sickened with OUR country at this point. If I could move lock, stock & barrel to Australia where they don't tolerate these types of uprisings, where English is the common language and where they don't put up with and bend over backwards for every other nationality that floats into their harbor, I'd be packing right now.

I can't understand why there were no MP's at the gate, no metal detectors, or anything else. How did this guy just waltz in with 2 weapons (one I'm told is an automatic assault rifle) and nobody knew? We have more stringent security and safeguards at our flippen airports! Apparently he was on the FBI's radar but they didn't act on anything he was doing? In other words THEY KNEW!! They knew he was a threat and dangerous to our own and they did NOTHING?

What has happened to our once strong, proud, courageous nation that didn't sit idly by while these atrocities happened?

When did we turn in to a bunch of excuse makers, apologists, and criminal coddlers?

When are we going to go back to putting America and good, honest, hard working Americans first and stop tolerating these murderers, child rapists, and other criminals?

I think the time has come to actually extract swift judgement on the guilty and maybe then people and other countries will think twice about attacking us again. Until that happens we are going to lose more than just our dignity.

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