Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Murders at Ft Hood
Someone I really admire said the following; "Our country is so concerned with political correctness, that we have squashed our own freedom of speech."
How can I disagree with that?
Only in America could someone who is born and raised here say they are muslim first and American second and carry out the pre-meditated assassination of so many all while KNOWING they might get away with it and be hailed as a hero by others who are just as evil as he is. Only in this country could someone MURDER 14 innocent people and then get an attorney to try and get away with it. By the way, this guy is a PSYCHIATRIST so he knows EVERY mind game in the book...and how to play the "I didn't know what I was doing because I'm sick" game.
I am beyond sickened with OUR country at this point. If I could move lock, stock & barrel to Australia where they don't tolerate these types of uprisings, where English is the common language and where they don't put up with and bend over backwards for every other nationality that floats into their harbor, I'd be packing right now.
I can't understand why there were no MP's at the gate, no metal detectors, or anything else. How did this guy just waltz in with 2 weapons (one I'm told is an automatic assault rifle) and nobody knew? We have more stringent security and safeguards at our flippen airports! Apparently he was on the FBI's radar but they didn't act on anything he was doing? In other words THEY KNEW!! They knew he was a threat and dangerous to our own and they did NOTHING?
What has happened to our once strong, proud, courageous nation that didn't sit idly by while these atrocities happened?
When did we turn in to a bunch of excuse makers, apologists, and criminal coddlers?
When are we going to go back to putting America and good, honest, hard working Americans first and stop tolerating these murderers, child rapists, and other criminals?
I think the time has come to actually extract swift judgement on the guilty and maybe then people and other countries will think twice about attacking us again. Until that happens we are going to lose more than just our dignity.
Monday, November 2, 2009
More Anna Nicole Smith news
In the "clown video," it's become known as, the 9-year-old daughter of Ford Shelley seems uncertain whether Smith is pretending or is really having "brain trouble."
Smith's face, painted like a clown's by the child, is a disturbing sight in light of her death from "acute combined drug intoxication" six months later.
$tern shot the 45-minute-long video at Smith's Bahamas home on August 12, 2006, at a ninth birthday party for Riley Shelley.
$tern said the video was "for home use" and was "not supposed to be released"...but...as all liars are eventually found out it's what was on the voice portion of the tape that proved just what a bald faced liar $tern is.
"Riley, paint, paint Anna's face," $tern is heard telling the child.
$tern is heard saying, "By the way, Mark, the post is white."
"Huh?" Smith said.
"I'm just giving somebody notes, telling him that the color is white."
$tern is also heard directing the child.
"Riley, let me get just one tight one of you like you're doing her makeup," he is also heard saying.
Another segment raises questions about whether Smith knew $tern's intentions with the video.
$tern is heard saying, "Your boob just showed. Anna, watch your boob. Your right one. It just keeps popping out."
Riley: "I'll fix it."
$tern's voice is then heard saying, "Don't show that Mark. If you even get this tape. This footage is worth money."
Then a very confused Smith says, "Huh?"
$tern responds with, "I said this footage is worth money."
Anna asks, "Why? What footage?"
HK$ replies, "This thing you're looking into."
Anna asks, "That's the camera?"
and poor little Riley can be heard whispering 'Howard, seriously help' at one point. Riley is understandably concerned and scared.
Riley can be heard saying, "Anna? Hey, Bunny, Bunny."
And Anna replies, "Uh, huh."
"Are you doing this all for the video?" Riley asks.
Anna asks her, "Doing what?
Riley says, "Caring for the baby."
To which Anna replies, "Huh? No, this is my baby." Which is a doll...
Riley then whispers to HK$, "Howard, help. Howard, seriously help. Cut off the tape."
Now whether the tape is allowed in as evidence remains to be seen. Prosecutors want it admitted while the defense (naturally) doesn't.
So who has the popcorn?
Murder or rumor? A party went very wrong in Hollywood
Welcome Hershey Kisses!
I would also like to thank Seeker for all of her hard work on the blog. She is always taking care of things! I greatly appreciate all of your hard work Seeker. The blog would not survive without you.
Look for an entry later today about the start of Curtis Vance's trial. He is the alleged killer of Little Rock anchorwoman Anne Pressly.
Again, welcome to Hershey Kisses and a huge thank you to Seeker!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Just another day in America
Speaking on the steps of the Capitol, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Congress was at a "historic moment" with lawmakers "on the cusp of delivering on the promise of making affordable, quality health insurance available to every American."
And just WHO is going to oversee this to make sure the American is LEGAL Pelosi? You? I doubt it...
Don't get me wrong here, I'm all for wanting to improve your situation, but do it legally.
Americans FOUGHT to hold to the ideals of our (well some of our) forefathers to have a free from taxes nation. If illegal immigrants would stay in their own countries and fight for changes I bet they'd finally succeed. It wouldn't happen overnight, but it would happen.
Just like here. It took many years and a lot of bloodshed but it finally happened...
Unfortunately it didn't last long.
Taxes are higher than ever, more people have lost their jobs and their homes than in this entire nations history in just the past few years.
Thanks Big Government...
There are many, many reasons I don't particularly like our new President, but the main reason is for plunging this country into more debt than all other presidents combined did in the over 200 years since we became The United States of America...
I'm sure you can think of your own reasons...
IMO Obama is a post turtle. What? You don't know what a post turtle is? Well let me explain it to you then. It's a pretty easy concept to understand.
Imagine you see a turtle and he's on top of a fence post.
The turtle doesn't know how he got there, he doesn't know what to do now that he's up there, and you have to wonder just what kind of idiots put him up there in the first place.
You know who the last unknown candidate who came out of nowhere, who had NO experience running anything and who also ran on a platform of "change" was don't you?
Fidel Castro
No it's not a joke, it's a historical fact.
And we all know what became of Cuba once he got into office...they became COMMUNISTS!
With what we've all seen so far with the new "regime" in charge you need to ask yourself the big question; Are we on our way to that same status here?
It is hard not to agree with this.
Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America 's true living legends- an acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world's highest rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize him as the foremost leader in change management. Lou changed the way America does business by creating an audacious concept that came to be known as "partnering." Pritchett rose from soap salesman to Vice-President, Sales and Customer Development for Procter and Gamble and over the course of 36 years, made corporate history.
Dear President Obama:
You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.
You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support. You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.
You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.
You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core.
You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.
You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.
You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America crowd' and deliver this message abroad.
You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.
You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.
You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world.
You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics against certain banks and corporations.
You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.
You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people.
You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient.
You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.
You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O'Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view.
You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.
Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.
Lou Pritchett
TRUE - CHECK: http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/youscareme.asp
This letter was sent to the NY Times but they never acknowledged it. Big surprise. Since it hit the internet, however, it has had over 500,000 hits.
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good people do nothing.
It's happening right now.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Lottery Woes
Someone please remind me if I ever win the lottery and feel the need to hire a secretary not to hire Kathy Henry. She's the woman who just cost Pepsico $1.26 BILLION (yes, I said BILLION) dollars because she was so busy getting ready for a board meeting she just set the legal document aside and forgot about it!
Hey Kathy! Didn't you stop to think that was something the folks at the board meeting would have wanted and needed to know about?
I bet she's "busy" having a stroke about now...
Of course if I ever hit the lottery I hope I'm a lot luckier than Willis Willis of Grand Prairie Texas who was duped by the clerk that STOLE his winning $1 Million lottery ticket...
Note to Pankaj Joshi just remember they actually execute criminals in Texas. If you haven't fled the country you'd better give that money back tout suite.
Here's hoping Mr. Willis is able to get his winnings, he seems like a genuinely nice man who deserves a break.
If I ever won that elusive lottery I'd have to remember NOT to hire Timothy Cheney of Gig Harbor WA or Richard Cole of Salem OR to fly me anywhere. They'd lose track of where we were and overshoot our destination just like they did when they overshot their Minneapolis destination by 150 miles...
They were out of communications with air traffic controllers for over 90 minutes and violated numerous federal safety regulations all while claiming they were on their personal "laptops"...yeah, but why do I get that hinky feeling it was not the computerized kind?
Apparently the FAA thought it was a bogus excuse as well and fired them both.
Similar letters were sent to each man informing them of the decision to fire them that read in part,
"You engaged in conduct that put your passengers and your crew in serious jeopardy, while you were on a frolic of your own. ... This is a total dereliction and disregard for your duties."
I swear there's a hint in there about what was really going on for those 90 minutes
and it didn't have anything to do with any computers either...
I would have to say though, that I would gladly hire Adam Lambert to sing for any charity organization to raise awareness and money for the cause.
Adam caused quite a stir recently with his newly released album...not for the musical content, but for the cover.

Personally I love it!!!
For those who are posting hateful comments in other places, please, get a grip! This is America and it's almost 2010...not 1910. Geesh!
If you want to blame someone about it complain to the Marketing Directors at his record label. Adam didn't get to chose the cover although it's fantastic in this bloggers opinion.
It's supposed to be Retro looking folks! I don't know about anyone else but memories of Ziggy Stardust spring to mind when I look at this. I'm just thankful it's not Olivia Newton John...who's music hit the lowest "Blech!" mark on my scale.
I loved David Bowie's music and I have a hunch I'll love Adam Lambert's as well.
The controversy isn't about his music, or his talent though, it's from all the homophobes out there who despise those who are different and those they can't control.
I almost want to feel sorry for all those little girls who were creaming their jeans thinking about getting together with Adam.
Sorry girls, he's openly and unashamedly gay and he has every right to be.
I, for one, applaud him for his talent and his courage to be exactly who and what he is, even if he does make a lot of females jealous of his beauty.
Keep true to yourself Adam and keep reinventing yourself and you'll go far...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I'm Back!!!
The reason why I was gone was I had to move. It was not a move I wanted to make. My family and I moved into a 22 foot camper until we were able to find another home. It was not a fun six weeks. I was supposed to have Internet access while I was living in the camper, but things didn't turn out as planned. I almost went out of my mind. We ended up moving twice within six weeks. I never want to move again!
My second granddaughter, Rilee was born on September 11th, about 3/4 of the way through my "Hell in the Camper" experience. It was a rough weekend trying to take care of my other granddaughter Kayli in the camper and trying to make sure my daughter and other granddaughter were fine 35 miles away. Rilee weighed in at 5 lbs 14.1 oz. and was 18.5 inches long. She has brown hair and blue eyes. I will post a picture of her later.
Please check back soon for new stories!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Other Celebrity news worth mentioning...or maybe not.
How sick is that? Her own father, who should have been protective of his daughter instead violates her in the worst way imaginable. It's no wonder she had a major drug and mental problems from a very early age.
She further states that he introduced her to drugs when she was around 11 years old, taught her how to roll a joint, etc. She says that sometime after his rape of her their sexual relationship became "consensual" and that it went on for 10 years until she got pregnant and didn't know if the baby was his or her husband. She says she got an abortion that her father paid for.
I'm having a major ICK factor with this.
In other news, John Travolta had to testify in court about the events surrounding the death of his beautiful and autistic 16 year old son, Jett.
His wife, Kelly Preston, was also there.
My heart goes out to them both and their daughter as they have to relive that nightmare due to the attempted extortion attempt perpetrated on them by two Bahamians.
Speaking of Dr Conrad Murray, the man at the center of the controversial death of Michael Jackson, he's probably pretty nervous today. There is a Grand Jury investigating his negligence...and a woman he's reportedly connected to is testifying...
Nicole Alvarez received a subpoena to appear before the grand jury on Wednesday morning and it's been rumored that she is Murray's girlfriend and that they have a little boy together. Her apartment was searched last month...although details about what may have been found, if anything are not available.
Grand juries are routinely used as an investigative tool to gather information and to compel reluctant witnesses to testify.
Joe Francis remember him? The Girls Gone Wild producer that was held without bail in Nevada for over a year? Well he has pleaded guilty to tax fraud and won't spend anymore time in jail although he does have to pay $250,000 in restitution.
Let's hope he quits his current career and focus' his efforts on something more worthwhile. Like filming endangered animals for posterity.
Anna Nicole Smith back in the news
I sincerely hope these 3 people are charged and found guilty of murder 1.
If Dr. Murray, who killed Michael Jackson on accident due to his negligence, is brought up on homocide charges then I believe the 3 who caused Anna's (and possibly Daniel's too) untimely death should be also.
They all deserve to be in jail for life and not a CA CLUB MED type either!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Annie Le
His DNA was found in the ceiling (what the?) and in the crawl space where he stuffed his victims body into.
According to one article a source said that Clark tried to hide blood-spattered equipment and cleaned up areas Le was in before she vanished.
Many details are being kept confidential although Clark isn't talking his DNA and body is. He has defensive wounds on his upper torso in the form of scratches...
Two friends of Clark who appeared on Larry King Live last night said, " "That's not the Raymond Clark I've talked to my whole entire life." And "I just can't picture him doing something like this."
However, he did do this and bail has been set at $3 million. He did not enter a plea, in fact he won't talk at all....
I wonder how his "fiancée", Jennifer Hromadka, is going to justify what he's done now...
Clark shares a MySpace page with his fiancee and she described him as a “Wonderful boyfriend.”
In May 2008, she wrote about a rumor that Clark was cheating on her with another co-worker at tech lab.“My boyfriend, Ray, if you don’t know him, has no interest in any of the other girls at YARC as anything more than friends.”YARC is the Yale Animal Resource Center.
The most recent entry was Friday (9/11/09 but I hear the page is gone now), in which she writes, “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean!!”
Why Jennifer? Yours aren't...
Just a note to let everyone know
We have still been following some crime stories at our little forum. Anyone wishing to have an account there please Contact Us with your request.
Thank you and have a great day!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Note to Our Readers
Thanks for your patience!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Terror In Kansas--Part II
Michelle had bid her boyfriend good night, took a shower, and went to bed. But, before going to bed, she made sure her apartment was secure, she even double-checked her deadbolt to make sure it was locked. The time was just after midnight when Michelle went to bed. About two hours later, she woke up to find her bedroom light on and a strange man in her bedroom! Michelle had no clue who this stranger was or what he was doing in her bedroom. However, she was about to find out exactly what he had planned for her.
He jumped on Michelle who at first struggled with him. However, he told her he had a gun, so Michelle decided not to struggle with him. She relaxed and thought about how she could get away from him. He loosened his hold on her after she relaxed and she caught her breath and tried to escape him again. But, she couldn't get away from him, plus she was nude. They fell to the floor, where Michelle's assailant told her to put some clothes on because they were leaving her apartment. He also told Michelle NOT to get in her closet to get her clothes, but to put something on that was on the floor. Michelle felt a bit better, she felt like he wasn't planning to rape her, if he was allowing her to put some clothes on. Her assailant told her to hurry. Michelle's only thought was if she left with him, she wouldn't make it back alive. She frantically thought of a way to get free of him.
As they were walking out of Michelle's apartment, she noticed her attacker did NOT unlock the deadbolt, it was already unlocked. Michelle knew she locked the deadbolt before going to bed. After shutting the door, he assailant told her to come along quietly, because he had a gun. As they were going down the last flight of stairs, Michelle knew this was her last chance to get away from him. She decided to take a huge risk. Michelle started screaming!
As Michelle was screaming, her attacker started yelling at her to be quiet, but Michelle wasn't about to be quiet. She kept screaming. Finally, her attacker told her he was going to shoot her. He pointed the gun at her, pulled the trigger, but Michelle didn't feel anything. In fact, the gun sounded like a plastic pellet gun. He pulled the trigger again, and when that didn't phase Michelle, he hit her over the head repeatedly. The gun broke and Michelle started bleeding. Her assailant walked away, and then came back and picked the plastic pieces of the gun up off the stairs, and calmly walked to the parking lot. He walked to a car that was parked next to a dumpster and got in, and drove away.
Michelle got up and watched him leave. She then noticed she was bleeding. She went back up the stairs to her apartment, where she put on some jeans and a shirt and called the police for help. She also wondered if anyone in the apartment complex heard her scream.
When the police came, they didn't seem to take her seriously, despite her wounds. She showed the officer the flashlight her assailant left behind and told him that the flashlight didn't belong to her. The officer reluctantly took the flashlight, not seeming to care if it might have valuable fingerprints on it. Michelle also explained to the officer that she made sure her deadbolt was locked before she went to bed, but when her assailant opened the door for them to leave, the deadbolt was already unlocked. She could not understand the officer's indifferent attitude. She barely escaped with her life, and he didn't seem to care or even believe her. Michelle made the decision that she would NOT spend another night in her apartment.
Michelle had her boyfriend come and get her and she left her apartment never to return, except to get her belongings. The next day, while picking up her blankets and sheets off of the floor where they fell when she was struggling with her assailant, she discovered a knife. She knew the knife didn't belong to her, so she called the police again. Their response was to tell her to bring the knife by when she had the chance. By now, Michelle was thoroughly frustrated by the police department's indifference and their lack of understanding for her situation. She was beaten by a strange man, whom she didn't know, who broke into her apartment, and the police didn't seem to care.
Early Sunday morning, June 18, 1989, Michelle's attacker struck again. His name was Richard Grissom JR. He had a lengthy adult criminal record, as well as a conviction for murder as a juvenile. If the police would have done their jobs properly when Michelle's attack happened, maybe three innocent lives would have been saved. Maybe, if the police would have tried to take fingerprints off of the knife and flashlight, the next two attacks and three murders could have been prevented.
Who were the three final victims of Richard Grissom? What other crimes did he commit during this time? Is he really just another misunderstood killer who had a terrible childhood? Come back tomorrow for Part III. It will be worth your time!
Thanks for reading. All comments (bad or good) are welcome.
(Source material: "Suddenly Gone" by Dan Mitrione, 1995)
Monday, July 13, 2009
The unsolved case of Sandra Kerby
There's no factual proof, but Sandra Kerby is presumed dead and in fact her husband had her declared legally dead in February of 2006.
She was last seen alive leaving her daughter's home ten years ago.
Police have never found her body or made any arrests in the case.
The only person who may have had means, motive and opportunity?
Her husband Frank Kerby.
Fresno Police only named Frank Kerby a person of interest, not a suspect...although I don't know why not. He is not cooperating with investigators and hasn't since almost the moment Sandra went missing. Police have said that Frank had given them conflicting statements of his movements for the day Sandra went missing . He claimed he was in Fresno on the day Sandra disappeared, but cell phone records show he was in Reedley at least at some point on that day. There is a lot of open and accessible territory still in Reedley...and there was a lot of new construction not far from where she disappeared as well.
6 months after Sandra's disappearance police obtained a search warrant seizing a computer, files, and personal records including Sandra's diary where she wrote she knew Frank was having an affair.
Just a few days after Sandra mysteriously disappeared Frank proposed marriage to his girlfriend...something that immediatly sets my "hinky meter" into the red zone and off the charts.
Bette Shearman, Sandra's mother, once enjoyed painting but says her artistic inspiration vanished when her daughter disappeared ten years ago. She continues to call Sandra's former husband Frank Kerby a killer. Shearman said, "I know he did it. He was mean ... When she comes with fat lips and black eyes, wouldn't you think that guy is the one who killed her."
Detectives found Sandra's white Ford Explorer parked at the River Park Shopping Center in front of Target with her purse and keys locked inside 2 days after she was reported missing. What woman goes to a shopping center and leaves her purse and keys in the car? A shopping center which happens to be within walking distance to her home...in the Woodward Park area.
The seat of the car was adjusted to accomodate someone much taller than the 5' 5" Sandra. Other than her car, nothing else has been found to tell what happened to her. Maybe with current foresnic technology they can retest and find something from evidence submitted to the crime lab just 6 months ago. Results of those tests are still pending...
10 years ago when Sandra went missing ribbons covered the fence line at the school Sandra taught hoping for her safe return. Parents and teachers passed out flyers asking for the community's help. But on this past Friday, there were none of those same efforts to mark the 10 year annivesary, just a quiet school.
Sue Smits was principal at Gibson when Sandra vanished. Smits said, "Sandy will never be forgotten as an educator ... Sandy was a unique teacher. She had the ability to nurture students at whatever level they were performing."
A Fresno judge declared Sandra legally dead nearly three years ago even though her body was never been found. Her mother still hopes someone will unravel the mystery. Shearman said, "Maybe she disappeared, well I never had that in mind that maybe she got mad and just went off. To me, she is dead. I've just accepted it." She further stated that she felt her daughter would not have abandoned her children and that soon before she disappeared she had told her that she was "finally going to get a divorce" from Frank.
Frank refused to speak with any media on this last Friday. Once again, he is, unfortunatley only a person of interest. Fresno Police are not optimistic the DNA testing will even be completed soon because of the state budget crisis.
Do I think there is any chance of them finding Sandra's body now?
Well let's just say I hope that Scott Peterson will have a new neighbor in San Quentin one of these days very soon.
June 1989--A Month of Terror in Kansas
On June 7, 1989, Terri Maness didn't make it to work. That in itself was unusual. Terri was known to be prompt, and if she was going to be late she always called her employer. However, she didn't call in, and most importantly if she was was ill or she was going to miss work for any other reason, she always called her parents to let them know. Her co-workers were worried. They repeatedly called Terri's home, to no avail. Finally, they called Terri's parents. Of course, Terri's parents were worried. They tried to call her home also, but the answering machine didn't pick up their calls. Finally, Terri's parents called her neighbor, Wichita Police Officer, J.C. Stevenson.
Officer Stevenson was off duty at the time the call came from Terri's parents, but he went to check if Terri was home or if her car was parked in her usual spot. He called her parents to report that Terri wasn't home and her car was not parked in her spot. He told her parents that he left a note for Terri to call them as soon as she arrived home. More time went by, but Terri still didn't call her parents. So, Terri's parents called J.C. again. This time they asked him to please enter Terri's apartment, and take a look around to make sure Terri wasn't inside injured or ill. J.C. said he would go right over and call them back as soon as he was finished.
J.C. climbed in an open window after repeatedly knocking on Terri's door, and he searched the ground level and the upstairs bedroom and bathroom. He didn't find anything that looked out of order in those two levels, so he went downstairs to the basement where the recreation room was located. There he found something he wished he would have never found. Terri was laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood, stabbed repeatedly. J.C. knew he had to get help.
J.C. called 9-11. Then, he realized that he needed to call Terri's parents, but he couldn't bear to tell them that Terri was dead. He called them and told them they needed to come to Terri's apartment, that it was an emergency. Terri's parents didn't ask any questions, they just agreed to come. In the meantime, Terri's employer and a secretary that worked with Terri decided to come to her apartment to check on her. They were met with the sight of seeing crime scene tape around Terri's apartment and LE officials all over the scene. The secretary asked what was going on. The answer, the woman that lived in the apartment was apparently murdered. Terri's employer had the unenviable task of comforting Terri's parents after they found out the grim news.
Who could have done this to Terri? She worked in a small law firm that handled civil cases, she had no enemies, but yet she was dead. There was no sign of forced entry into her apartment and her car was missing.
Detective Ken Landwehr of the Wichita Police Department caught the case to investigate Terri's murder. When he looked at the scene, he thought that maybe the BTK serial killer had reappeared (BTK was later identified, arrested, and convicted in 2005). Landwehr's first order of business was to see if any witnesses had seen anything unusual around Terri's apartment. A witness was located that said that Terri's car had left the apartment at around 5:30 a.m. that morning, but she couldn't tell who was driving, but she assumed Terri was. Terri's car was located two blocks away at another apartment complex. Inside the car, items including Terri's answering machine were recovered. The police believed these items were stolen from Terri's apartment at the time of her murder.
It seemed there were no easy answers about Terri's murder. Whoever killed Terri seemed to come in her apartment and disappear, leaving no trace of himself. Who was this monster? Was it really BTK? Or was it someone else?
Read here tomorrow and find out who this terrible monster was and see what other terrible crimes against young women like Terri he committed.
(Source Material: "Suddenly Gone" By Dan Mitrione, 1995)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Seeker's Board Is Up!
Here is the link to Seeker's board, and if you aren't a member, all you need to do is hit the "Contact Us" button on the forum to let Seeker know you want to join. And she will get you registered~
Monday, June 29, 2009
Seeker's Cyber-Villa Board
Also, there will be a new blog entry up within the next few days. Please check back to read it!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sylvia Browne Real Psychic or Fraud
Thanks to Pepper at a forum I post at, my eyes were opened. She directed me to this site, and I will tell you, it's eye-opening. The site's URL is http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/oct/27/usa.jonronson
Another site that will open your eyes is stopsylvia.com
Sylvia is nothing but a con. When Montel Williams asked why he had her on his he said she was "hysterical." Well, forgive me Montel, but telling people that their children are dead just isn't my idea of entertainment.
My question to Sylvia is how can she live with herself? She charges $750 per phone session with her and she says she's backed up for eight years. Yes, you read that right, eight years.
There is a lot more interesting reading at www.stopsylvia.co
Sylvia has been involved in land scams and she says if people are stupid enough to pay for her services, than they deserve what they get.
I will follow up more on this story when time permits.
Thank you for reading.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
April 21, 2009, Remembering Columbine
Much of what led up to that day has been sealed. I think it would be a good idea if the records were unsealed, because maybe we as a society could prevent these kinds of things from happening again.
Columbine has risen from the ashes, but they haven't forgeotten the victims who lost their lives that day.
JEFFERSON COUNTY — The time to write a new meaning for "Columbine" has come, survivors of the high school massacre, current students and former President Bill Clinton via videotape said during ceremonies to honor the 13 killed 10 years ago Monday.
"It's my hope you look at your school as that — your school — not the most famous high school in the world," Columbine alumnus and teacher Lee Andres told those who assembled in Clement Park near the school for a final tribute in a series of 10th-anniversary observances.
Perhaps then the world can see Columbine as "a symbol for strength, courage and hope," he said.
Thus far, the Klebolds and Harris's have kept mostly silent about what happened. Their input would be invaluable in my opinion, to help prevent these school shootings from happening again.
Let us never forget Columbine, it was a day that the feeling of safety ended for parents sending their children off to school.
Here are some additional links, they are very interesting.
http://extras.denverpost.com/news/shot0420w.htm (I just want to add, this column is one of the best of I've read about the Columbine tragedy.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Matt Griffin AKA "The Ninja Bandit" Part 1
Griffin first appears on the radar on Thanksgiving Day 1984. He was a New Mexico State Police Officer when he attempted to force his way into Febye Garcia's home while the family was having Thanksgiving dinner. When Ms. Garcia resisted, Griffin sprayed mace into her eyes. He resigned from the State Police shortly thereafter.
Griffin next turns up working for the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) less than three years before Kaitlyn Arquette is murdered. Of course Griffin couldn't avoid trouble, he knocked on an apartment door allegedly in response to a loud noise report. When the resident, Mr. Ralph Narducci asked Griffin for ID, Griffin preceded to beat him on the head and face. Mr. Narducci was hospitalized and settled with the city for the sum of $35,000. This incident happened on Halloween night 1986.
Nineteen days after this incident, Matt Griffin was fired by APD Chief of Police Sam Baca for not returning a witness fee for a trial he NEVER testified at!
Thirty-three days after Griffin was fired, he robbed a bank dressed as a ninja. He used a stolen Camaro as his get-away car. This was on January 2, 1988. This is his first known bank robbery.
Then, in March of 1988, the APD rehired Griffin after his attorney made a deal with the city. APD Chief of Police Baca later stated he didn't want to rehire Griffin, but he did so on the advice of the Legal Department for the APD. This was two months after Griffin committed his first known bank robbery.
On June 28, 1988, the "Ninja Bandit" committed his second known bank robbery, again using a stolen Camaro. This was five months and twenty-six days since his last robbery.
As an interesting side note, a 9 mm Glock handgun disappeared from the APD's evidence room while Griffin was assigned to stand guard over it. This was July, 1988, a year before Kait was murdered.
Two months and twenty-three days after his last bank robbery, the "Ninja Bandit" robbed another bank. Again, he used a stolen Camaro. This was on September 21, 1988.
Three months and eighteen days after the his last robbery, the "Ninja Bandit" robbed another bank, and yes, he used another stolen Camaro! Do you think we are seeing a pattern here? This was on January 19, 1989 approximately six months before Kait Arquette is murdered.
On January 27, 1989, Matt Griffin is involved in a shooting. The victim is Peter Klunck. Griffin refused to talk to investigators UNTIL AFTER a gun was recovered that he said belonged to Klunck. The gun had no fingerprints on it, and according to one witness, it was planted. Klunck did off the record work at the automobile repair shop on Arno Street where Griffin is alleged to have hung out with other "rogue" cops. The repair shop on Arno figures prominently into Kaitlyn Arquette's murder, as we shall see later. The APD stated that Klunck was shot in the chest in self-defense, but the truth is he was shot three times in the back. Friends of Klunck also say he was involved in illegal activities with Griffin, but wanted out. Personally, we believe Klunck wanted out, but he was also going to expose Griffin for being the crooked cop that he was, so Griffin had to find a way to silence him. Which he did. The fatal shot to Klunck came from Griffin's gun.
Two months and seven days after Griffin killed Klunck, he was involved in another shooting. He killed Michael Howard after Howard caught him trying to steal his car from his apartment building's parking lot. ( Wonder if it was a Camaro?) This was April 3, 1989.
Three months after the "Ninja Bandit" committed his last bank robbery, he robbed a bank that he had previously robbed. This was fifteen days since Griffin killed Howard. This robbery would prove to be his last as the "Ninja Bandit." The robbery occurred on April 18, 1989. This robbery happened three months before the murder of Kait Arquette.
All five of these bank robberies occurred within a period of one year, four months and one day. In the research that Seeker and I have done, we have been unable to find out just how much money Griffin stole. We do know he obviously didn't buy any getaway cars with this money, because he used stolen Camaros in his robberies. One of the big questions we have is, "Where did all the money go?" We have been unable to find out if any of it was recovered. One of the best guesses that we have is that Griffin shared his "new found wealth" with a group of crooked cops that he associated with. However, it is a little hard to ignore when a police officer is killing witnesses who get in his way, so apparently the APD had to put a stop to Griffin and his alter-ego the "Ninja Bandit." The end would come for Griffin less than three months after his last bank robbery.
On July 10, 1989, exactly one week to the day of Kait's passing, Griffin is named to be the "Ninja Bandit." He was arrested for the murder of Michael Howard and for the five bank robberies he committed while he was an officer for the APD. Just the kind of officer that any good citizen would want serving the public! He was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes.
On July 16, 1989, Kaitlyn Arquette was chased down and shot in her car. She died the next day.
The next blog entry will cover another suspect in Kait's murder. His name is Paul Apodaca. He and Griffin hung out at the same automobile repair shop on Arno. Whether or not they are connected in the conspiracy to kill Kait remains to be seen. However, a development in 1994 shows that Griffin pointed the finger at Apodaca. This will also be covered in the next blog entry.
The information on Griffin comes from the website that Kait's family has set up. We would encourage anyone interested in this case to visit the site. It is an excellent site for reference. The site's address is: http://www.kaitarquette.arquettes.com/ There are easy to follow links on the site. Our information came from the "corrupt cops" part of the site. The address is: http://www.kaitarquette.arquettes.com/corruption%20overview.htm Seeker also has a website with a forum dedicated to Kait. The membership is private and if you want to join, go to http://www.cyber-villa.org/forums and click on the "contact us" button. Please include your desired user name and tell us that Kait's case is the one you are interested in knowing more about. Please mention that you read about Kait's case on our blog!
If you read this entry and enjoyed it or not, please leave us a comment. You can also leave us a comment on criminal cases you'd like to see a blog entry written about. If we can find the information on the case, we'll try to blog about it!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Who Killed Kaitlyn Arquette?
Kait was shot on July 16, 1989 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She died the next day of two gunshot wounds.
This story has a lot of twists and turns. Kait's mother, Lois Duncan wrote a book on the case called, "Who Killed My Daughter." You may recognize Lois Duncan's name, she writes books for young adults, which are great.
The best site on the Internet to get information on this case is http://www.kaitarquette.arquettes.com/ There is a message board there also, it is very interesting to read the posts. Lois answers a lot of the posts herself.
What we thought we would do, is to make our next post about an Albquerque Police Officer named Matt Griffin. We think that he knew Kait and we think he KNOWS what happened to her. Matt is not your typical LE officer, he is serving a life sentence for bank robbery and killing a witness. He was called the "Ninja Bandit." Matt was arrested exactly one week prior to Kait's dying.
Please continue checking the blog for new updates on this case.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Howard K. Stern, Dr. Eroshevich and Dr. Kapoor Charged with Conspiracy and Writing Prescriptions for an Addict, Finally
"These individuals repeatedly and excessively furnished thousands of prescription pills to Anna Nicole Smith, often for no legitimate medical purpose," California Attorney General Jerry Brown said in a statement. "There is ample evidence that Dr. Eroshevich and Dr. Kapoor violated their ethical obligations as physicians, while Mr. Stern funneled highly addictive drugs to Ms. Smith." http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b104235_howard_k_stern_anna_nicole_docs_charged.html
The above statement pretty much proves that both the doctors and Stern knew what they were doing was wrong. Both doctors should lose their licenses, in my opinion.
Dr. Kapoor wrote prescriptions for Methadone for Anna Nicole while she was pregnant with Dannielyn. I know that a lot of doctors do this for mothers who are addicted to opiates during pregnancy because it is less stressful on the fetus than to trying to get the mother completely clean. However, Dr. Kapoor wrote this prescription for an alias that Anna Nicole used, the alias used was "Michelle Chase."
Dr. Eroshevich wrote all eleven prescriptions that were found in the hotel room when Anna Nicole died. There were eight written in the name of Howard Stern, two for an "Alex Katz" and one for Dr. Eroshevich herself. I wonder if this woman feels any remorse or guilt for what she did. She had to know Anna Nicole was an addict, but yet she continued to write the presciptions, illegally, and in other's names. She needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
No arraignment date has been set for this case as of yet.
I wonder if this development will cause the Bahamas to take another look at Daniel's death.
Howard K. Stern can kiss any money he "hoped" to collect because of the alleged slander he has endured because of his association with Anna Nicole. He helped kill her, whether or not he wants to admit it!
Please check back for further updates!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hi and Welcome!